Cytokine profile in patients with chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection with different genotypes of interleukin-28
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types of immune response
chronic VEB-infection

How to Cite

Sorokina , O., PopovМ., & Liadova, T. (2020). Cytokine profile in patients with chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection with different genotypes of interleukin-28. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 76(3), 15-20. Retrieved from


The relevance of the Epstein-Barr virus infection (VEB) is due to a high degree of infection of the population around the world (95% of the adult population). The purpose of this work was to establish the types of immune response based on the analysis of the dynamics of multidirectional cytokine synthesis in patients with chronic VEB-infection with different IL-28 genotypes. We examined 64 patients with chronic VEB-infection; the control group included 20 healthy people. As a result of the study, a correlation was found between the genotype of IL-28 and the formation of a dissociative or hyporeactive type of immune response. This can be useful in predicting the course of the disease in patients with chronic VEB infection and will optimize therapy, by introducing into the treatment regimen certain patient’s immunocorrective therapy.
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