Research of the prevalence and various factors interrelations in the development of muscle and joint dysfunction of temporomandibular joint
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temporomandibular joint
muscle and joint dysfunction
ethiopathogenetic factors
local factors
combined and general factors

How to Cite

Kutsevlyak, V., & Boyan, A. (2020). Research of the prevalence and various factors interrelations in the development of muscle and joint dysfunction of temporomandibular joint. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 79(2–3), 165-174. Retrieved from


Based on the clinical randomized trial using a representative sample of dental patients (sampling error does not exceed 5%), 121 people (men 30 (24.8%), women - 91 (75.2%)) aged 18 to 74 years, the prevalence of local (dental genesis) and general ethiopathogenetic factors in the development of muscle and joint dysfunction of temporomandibular joint has been studied, leading factors and their interrelation have been determined.
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