Organometrical peculiarities of the full-term fetuses and newborns bladder developed under the maternal preeclampsia condition
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maternal preeclampsia
width and thicknes of bledder

How to Cite

I.V. Sorokina, I. S., Myroshnychenko, M., & Arsen’ev, O. (2020). Organometrical peculiarities of the full-term fetuses and newborns bladder developed under the maternal preeclampsia condition. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 79(2–3), 146-152. Retrieved from


The authors presented the results of the organometrical parameters study of the bladder of full-term 38 fetuses and 40 newborns that developed under conditions of maternal preeclampsia of varying severity. It has been established that preeclampsia of mild severity does not affect the index of the length, width, and increases the index of the thickness of the fetuses and newborns bladder. Preeclampsia of moderate severity and severe preeclampsia lead to a decrease of the length, width and increase of the thickness of the offspring bladder. In newborns as compared to fetuses it was revealed the prevalence of the length, width and thickness of the bladder. During the analysis of the organometrical parameters percentage change of the bladder from the 37th to the 40th gestation week, it was noted that in mild maternal preeclampsia in fetuses the index of length and width increases, the thickness does not change, and all three parameters do not change in newborns; in preeclampsia of moderate severity in fetuses the parameter of width and thickness increases, lengths does not change, and in newborns all three parameters do not change; in severe maternal preeclampsia in fetuses the length does not change, the width and thickness increase, while in newborns the parameter of length and thickness increases, the width does not change.
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