It was developed of method of endoscopic nasointestinal intubation of bowel, allowing to avoid the necessity of expansion of operating wound and facilitate her implementation and bring down the traumatism of operation, is worked out. Nasointestinal draining of small bowel with realization of complex of treatment measures assisted rapid cut short of syndrome of acute intestinal insufficiency, renewal of function of bowels at most investigational patients (73,3%). An indication to stopping of realization of enteral tube feeding and removal of nasointestinal tube it was been renewal of evacuatory function of bowels, that by liquidation of clinical and laboratory signs of endotoxicisis and normalization of basic indexes of homoeostasis. Application of the worked out tactics of treatment for the patients which operated with adhesive small bowel obstruction assisted the decline of amount of complications, early renewal of function intestinal tract, diminished the time of hospitalysation.References
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