Peculiarities of mental health in internally displaced persons.
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internally displaced persons
mental health

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Maruta, N., Yavdak, I., Panko, T., Kolyadko, S., Fedchenko, V. F., Semikina , Y., Kalenskaya, G., & Linskaya Ye.I., L. Y. (2020). Peculiarities of mental health in internally displaced persons. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 79(2–3), 103-110. Retrieved from


The work presents the results of a survey of NAMN of Ukraine SI 58 internally displaced persons (IDPs). There is a significant dissatisfaction in the housing, professional and labor, material spheres, as well as in the sphere of family relations. The data obtained indicate a high level of psychoemotional discomfort in IDPs (63.8%); a state of expressed neuropsychic stress and mental discomfort, disadaptation in some of them (6.9%). According to the data presented in the questionnaire, it is possible to assume the presence of 20,67% of questioned PTSD. This situation makes it necessary to conduct a more detailed survey of IDPs and to provide them with qualified assistance using a wide range of correction methods to reduce neuropsychic tension, psychological unloading, and subsequent monitoring of their condition.
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