Characteristics of some indicators of humoral immunity in patients with chronic veb-infection
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antiviral defense
immune response
humoral immunity
chronic VEB infection
level of viral replication

How to Cite

Sorokina, O. (2020). Characteristics of some indicators of humoral immunity in patients with chronic veb-infection. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 79(2–3), 57-60. Retrieved from


According to the results of the conducted studies, a correlation between the increase in IgA and IgM production and the increase in the degree of viral replication of the VEB was established. Activating this immune system with an increase in viral load is an important mechanism of antiviral protection for patients with VEB. Changes in the level of IgG among patients in the studied groups, in contrast to IgA and IgM, were of a multidirectional nature. Thus, when comparing the level of this indicator in patients different, an increase in IgG was observed with an increase in viral load, but in case of further increase in viral load, IgG levels decreased. This may be due to the immunosuppressive action of the "excess" quantity of VEB on the production of IgG.
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