State of oxidative stress, PON1 ctivity and lipid spectrum in patients with diabetic nephropathies and hypertension disease
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diabetic nephropathy
hypertensease disease
paraoksonaza 1

How to Cite

Belovol, A., Topchiy, I., Kirienko, O., Denisenko, V., & D.A. Kirienko, D. K. (2020). State of oxidative stress, PON1 ctivity and lipid spectrum in patients with diabetic nephropathies and hypertension disease. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 79(2–3), 71-78. Retrieved from


Changes in the system of lipid peroxidation and activity of paraoxonase 1 in 80 patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN) of III–IV stage were compared with patients with hypertensive disease (15 patients), control group – 10 people. The lipid content, the state of the antioxidant defense system, the activity of paroxonase 1 were investigated. In the course of the study it was established that the progression of ND is accompanied by a decrease in the activity of paraoxonase 1, which indicates a worsening of the antioxidant defense. It is established that the age of the patient is one more factor that negatively affects the state of peroxide processes. Dysfunction of the antioxidant system in patients with ND requires the development of correction schemes and, most likely, a permanent treatment with antioxidant drugs.
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