Results of biodegradable polymeric materials application in the treatment of skin ІІІb degree burns in the experiment
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polymer film
zinc nan-oxide
thermal burn

How to Cite

Popadyuk, O. (2020). Results of biodegradable polymeric materials application in the treatment of skin ІІІb degree burns in the experiment. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 79(2–3), 41-49. Retrieved from


The wound healing properties of biodegradable polymer materials developed by us in the form of the films «biodep» and «biodep nano» have been studied experimentally on the animals. The films were applied to the wound surface of the experimentally induced skin ІІІb degree burn after surgical removing necrotic tissues; the wound condition and its surrounding tissues were observed, and wound healing planimetric and pathomorphological parameters were studied. The obtained results showed that the developed polymer films improve the burn wound healing, reduce the inflammation of the wound tissues, and the film saturated with zinc oxide effectively destroys the microbial flora in the burn wounds and prevents the development of purulent process. It is established that biodegradable polymeric film «biodep nano» is a highly effective means of healing burn wounds, and zinc nano-oxide as one of the film components has excellent antimicrobial properties, and does not cause negative influence on the wound and its surrounding tissues.
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