Status of prooxidant and antioxidant system in the soft tissue of oral cavity of the rat’s offspring keeping to unbalanced nutrition
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unbalanced nutrition
oxidative antioxidant homeostasis
pregnant rats
infant rats

How to Cite

Pysmenna , O. (2020). Status of prooxidant and antioxidant system in the soft tissue of oral cavity of the rat’s offspring keeping to unbalanced nutrition. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 79(2–3), 35-40. Retrieved from


Oxidative-antioxidant homeostasis in 86 rats of WAG/G Sto population was studied based on the determination of lipid peroxidation (LP) activity – diene conjugate and malonic dialdehyde, and the antioxidant system (AOS) – superoxide dismutase and catalase, in soft tissues of the inferior maxilla. The most prominent DAG changes in the soft tissues of the inferior maxilla in the form of inconsistency in the degree of activity of AOS indicators are the level of LP intensity are shown in rats keeping to unbalanced diet during pregnancy with dietary deficiency, and their 1- and 2-months offspring. DAG violation when keeping up to unbalanced nutrition of rats is one of the pathogenetic damage factors to the soft tissues of the inferior maxilla, which can lead to the development of parodontitis and dysplasia.
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