In order to standardize the model of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) with development of chronic remitting course of disease a study of the different doses Freund’s Complete adjuvant (AF) effects and encephalolithic mixture on the degree of severity of behavioral reactions in the test «open field» of rats and the process of spinal cord demyelination was conducted. When testing rats in the «open field» with inducted EAE by Freund’s adjuvant single dose, on the 12th day, the inhibition of tentative-research and activation of emotional activity were revealed. Comparative pathomorphological analysis of the spinal cord of rats histostructure features with EAE on 35th day showed that the use of both double and triple doses of Freund’s adjuvant for induction provides the development of a more widespread demyelinating process in comparison with the single dose of Freund’s adjuvant. The use of a single dose of Freund’s adjuvant is optimal for obtaining an effective model of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rats with chronic recurrence.References
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