The morphofunctional state of liver of 6 rats having unbalanced diet with protein deficiency and 7 rats from the control group has been studied. The structural changes of the rat organ from the main group contained discomplexation of radial arrangement of hepatic cords, albuminous degeneration of hepatocytes, growth of regenerative activity of liver and increase of SPI in liver tissues. The immunohistochemical study discovered the evident expression of eNOS and iNOS markers. Moreover, the detailed study of the endothelial capillary lining, great veins and bigger vessels revealed the disruption of continuity with formation of “bare” zones which evidence on high level of endothelial dysfunction and functional deactivation of liver pulp. The functional disorders were evident as development of dysproteinemia, dyslipidemia, hypoglycemia and hyperketonemia. It evidences on higher risk on getting hepatic fibrosis in animals, type 2 diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.References
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