Quality of life and social functioning of schizophrenic patients with associated somatic pathology
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somatic diseases
cardiovascular disorders
diabetes mellitus of type 2
social functioning
quality of life

How to Cite

Oprya, Y. (2020). Quality of life and social functioning of schizophrenic patients with associated somatic pathology. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 81(4), 45-51. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/375


The paper presents the results of a study of the features of adaptation schizophrenic patients with combined chronic somatic disorders: cardiovascular disorders, diabetes mellitus of type 2 and obesity. Were established that schizophrenic patients with combined somatic disorders are characterized by a lower level of social realization (low educational level, higher level of professional and social failure, limited social ties and social exclusion); low quality of life in the areas of own health in general, physical and mental health in case of cardiovascular disorders and obesity, emotional functioning in case of diabetes mellitus and social functioning in case of obesity; and the presence of more pronounced complications in social and personal functioning in the areas of socially useful activities and self-care in obesity and in the areas of social relations and restless patterns of behavior in diabetes mellitus of type 2. Сombination of schizophrenia with obesity was most negative effect for the social functioning patients.
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