Dynamics of changes in the functional indices Of cardiohemodynamics in traumatic disease in patients with an increased body mass index
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cardiohemodynamic indicators
traumatic disease
increased body mass index
cardiovascular system

How to Cite

Kucheryavchenko, V., Volkova, Y., & Sharlai, K. (2020). Dynamics of changes in the functional indices Of cardiohemodynamics in traumatic disease in patients with an increased body mass index. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 81(4), 38-44. Retrieved from https://ecm.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/373


It was analyzed of changes in the functional indicators of cardiohemodynamics in traumatic disease in patients with an increased body mass index. The results obtained allow to determine the presence of certain patterns in circulatory disorders in the dynamics of traumatic disease in patients with an increased body mass index with polytrauma, which indicates a long-term change in the functioning of the cardiovascular system in such patients, which must be considered when treating them.
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