Measuring anxiety as a person's property is especially important, because this property largely determines the behavior of the subject. A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an active active personality. Every person has his or her optimal or desired level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his position in this regard is for him an essential component of self-control and self-education. Patients with a lack of teeth (partial, full), having dentures and using them, have moderate personality and reactive anxiety, and patients with a lack of teeth (partial, complete) having dentures, but not using them, are characterized by high personal and reactive anxiety. Consequently, the effectiveness of the patient's orthopedic treatment will largely depend on the extent to which the dentist's orthopedic physician will be able to take into account not only the individual characteristics but also his psychosomatic status. The dentist-orthopedist, in addition to the "prosthetic" experience, must know and be able to use psychological tests.References
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