In order to understand the ways of modification of existing therapeutic and rehabilitation strategies taking into account the burdensome stress effects on the specifics of the behavioral repertoire in individuals addicted to alcohol, in the course of the work, an analysis of the features of the coping strategies in patients with different levels of psychosocial stress was conducted. It has been established that in patients with alcohol dependence, the coping repertoire is deformed, which does not provide the proper adaptation and stress-protective resource of the individual, and is one of the pathogenetic individual and behavioral factors of the development of alcohol dependence. The patterns of the distribution of behavioral strategies practically have no specificity in patients with alcohol dependence of different social groups increases. Taking into account the established fact that the severity of alcohol-related disorders is linearly associated with the severity of psychosocial stress experienced by patients, it can be stated that the destructive transformation of the coping behavioral repertoire is associated with the strain of clinical symptoms of alcohol dependence, and vice versa. The revealed peculiarities should be taken into account when developing treatment, rehabilitation and preventive measures for persons suffering from alcohol dependence.References
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