Functional condition of enzymative activity and cardiospecific markers in traumatic disease in patients with improved body mass index
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cardiospecific markers
traumatic disease
systemic multivariate analysis
increased body mass index

How to Cite

Kucheryavchenko, V., Volkova, Y., & Sharlai, K. (2020). Functional condition of enzymative activity and cardiospecific markers in traumatic disease in patients with improved body mass index. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 82(1), 43-48.


The purpose of our work was to analyze the functional state of enzyme activity and cardiospecific markers in traumatic disease in patients with an increased body mass index using systemic multivariate analysis. Analysis of mathematical models of the state of enzymatic activity and cardiospecific markers in all groups of patients determined that the process under study is regular with periods of instability of the state of the cardiovascular system in response to the injuries received the more clearly the greater the patient's body mass index at the time of admission to the hospital.
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