Results of treatment of ras by using multi plasma thrombocytic in patients with syrain diabetic stop
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Platelet-rich plasma
diabetic foot syndrome
features of reparation processes

How to Cite

Pasichnyk, O., Tamm, T., Danilova, O., & Popov, M. (2020). Results of treatment of ras by using multi plasma thrombocytic in patients with syrain diabetic stop. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 82(1), 22-27.


The paper presents the results of treatment of 58 patients with neuropathic and mixed SDS with the presence of wounds on the foot using topical BTP. It has been established that blood cells have a beneficial effect on the pathomorphosis of a wound, stimulating the development of granulation tissue, the source of which is type I collagen and ordered neoangiogenesis. Due to this, the formation of a full-fledged connective tissue and a full-fledged layer of the epithelium, contributing to quality wound healing in patients with complicated forms of SDS.
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