The article shows endothelium-vascular effects on the roots of the spinal cord with the progression of pain as a result of compression of the epidural microvascular plexus. In 68 patients with chronic low back pain before and after treatment were determined mediators of endothelium-vascular and axonal injuries, such as NR2-antibodies to NMDA microvascular receptors and the expression of soluble adhesion molecules of vascular endothelium-1 (sVCAM-1) and soluble intercellular adhesion molecules-1 (sICAM-1). All patients with low back pain showed an increase in the NR2 titer of antibodies to NMDA receptors and sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 expression before treatment and a decrease in these parameters after treatment, especially in patients in the 2nd observation group. Thus, pregabalin at a dose of 150 mg in combination therapy convincingly influenced the reduction of neurovascular mediators and blocked neuropathic pain.References
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