Features of surgical treatment of patients with broncoectatic disease
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failure of the bronchus stump
pulmonary hemorrhage

How to Cite

Boyko, V., Korzh, P., & Makarov, V. (2020). Features of surgical treatment of patients with broncoectatic disease. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 83(2), 56-62. https://doi.org/10.35339/ekm.2019.83.02.08


A method of treatment of a stump of a bronchial bronchus is developed, which provides reliable tightness, creates more favorable aerodynamic conditions, eliminates the possibility of infection of peribronchial tissues and pleural cavity during the intersection of the bronchus and along the suture channels in the future. With this method of processing, the minimum length of the lumen of the stump is achieved, blood supply is maintained to the level of the intersection, the technique does not require special tools and skills. The use of angiographic techniques allowed to avoid thoracotomy interventions in patients of the main group regarding pulmonary bleeding.
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