Comparative analysis of frusion response in participants of combat actions with injury eyes in combined with clinical manifestations of stress response
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clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome
psyhological maladjustment
eye injury

How to Cite

Lisoviy, V. (2020). Comparative analysis of frusion response in participants of combat actions with injury eyes in combined with clinical manifestations of stress response. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 83(2), 19-26.


Investigated the frustration response of combatants with eye trauma in combination with clinical manifestations of stress responses of varying severity. As a result, the study found the following. In combatants with combat eye trauma and partial loss of the zone amid the phenomena of psychological maladjustment and post-traumatic syndrome, frustrating reactions are dominated by extrapunitive direction and consumer-pushing and self-defense types of response. The degree of social adaptability (GCR) is most affected by combatants with a combat eye injury and partial loss of vision against the background of psychological maladjustment and post-traumatic syndrome, and less for everything with a domestic eye injury, which is confirmed by the data from the Holmes-Rag social adaptation test. Ways of frustration response in combatants with phenomena of psychological maladjustment and post-traumatic syndrome without eye injury retain their features when combined with a combat eye injury. The subjective factors of frustration and stress in terms of quantity, content and relevance depend on the circumstances and the life environment of the individual. This suggests the likely inclusion in the action of psychological protection of the individual and adaptation to the presence of stress-frustration.
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