The study involved 98 patients with a prolonged depressive reaction. The majority of patients had a predominance of anxiety, apathetic-dynamic, obsessive-depressive and senescent-hypochondriac symptom complexes. Anxiety symptom complex was associated with catastrophism, hypochondriac ideas, increased selectivity of attention to negative stimuli, obsessive thoughts, increased sensitivity to criticism, weak visual-motor coordination disorders, decreased switching, average mental performance, mobilization, accusation of others, weak violations in the field of personal and social interaction, moderate violations in the field of aggressive patterns of behavior. Apathetic-adynamic symptom complex was associated with difficulties in decision-making, weak disorders of visual-motor coordination and executive functions, weak disorders of verbal performance, low levels of switching attention, reduced selectivity of attention to neutral and negative stimuli, weak personality disorders and social activities, and social interaction. Obsessive-depressive symptoms correlated with obsessions, mild executive impairments, ruminations, decision-making difficulties, low levels of switching, and mild personality and social impairments. Senesto-hypochondriac symptom complex was associated with hypochondriac ideas, obsessive-compulsive disorder, decreased switching, increased selective attention to negative stimuli, ruminations, mild executive impairments, and mild social disorders.
Keywords: cognitive impairment, depressive disorders, clinical and psychopathological features, symptom complex, prolonged depressive reaction.
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