Results of medical rehabilitation of patients with consequences of unstable pelvic fractures depend upon many factors, among which the strength of fixation of fragments that makes possible early recovery of the staticodynamic function of the lower girdle is particularly important. An experimental study of the strength of threaded connections of different rods and the pelvic bone under the effect of alternate cyclic loads. The experimental studies were conducted on preparations of the pelvic bones of a pig. We used external fixation devices having rods with a cylindrical unidirectional thread and rods, where one had a right-handed thread and the other was with a left-handed thread. Cyclic alternate loads were performed with help of a shaker device. As a result of the conducted studies it has been revealed that screws with a unidirectional thread are less resistant to cyclic alternate loads. The mean value of screw unscrewing was (824±112) pm. In the device that had rods with a differently directed thread they did not unscrew at all (0 pm). We explain it by the fact that the presence of bar-connected screws with a differently directed thread creates a reciprocally interlocking structure, which counteracts self-unscrewing.
Keywords: pelvis, external fixation, rod, self-twisting.
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